My new NSAID cream came in the mail today, it is very fancy and actually contains 5 active ingredients. What is really cool is it came with a sheet that explained how each one works. Note: most of the below explanations come from previously mentioned sheet (which is why they sound so intelligent. Diclofenac: (The brand name of the oral from in Voltaren, aka my favorite NSAID cause I am cool enough to have a favorite NSAID) If you haven't guessed by all the stuff in the parentheses, it is an NSAID, and as the cool sheet says, it works by blocking the arachodonic pathways of the inflammation ( I really wish I actually knew what this meant, maybe I will google it) Baclofen: A muscle relaxant and anti-spasmodic that reduces the neurotransmitter release from pain receptors generating ectopic impulses. (I understood everything except the second to last word, not bad) Cyclobenzaprine: A muscle relaxant that helps control muscle spasms and tightness residing in the area of localize...
All about a teenager whose life has turned into a bad episode of House.