Remember that time when I used to blog? Well I am going to attempt to do that again. Lots has happened since my last post and I am not sure how to fit it all in but I will do my best to try. On the POTS/IV fluid front I finally got a port! This was very exciting since it was taking multiple tries to get IVs in me more often than not. I am also able to get IV fluids 3 times a week at home now and if I need an extra one I can do it myself with no ER needed. The port probably deserves it's own post, but in short I love it. My Port is a Pretty Purple! Unfortunately after over a year of pretty calm joints a cold triggered a major flare. My joints are currently worse than they have been since high school. My rheumy was hoping a burst of Prednisone would calm everything down, and it did till I stopped taking it. So her office managed to fit me in for yesterday and she put me back on Prednisone and prescribed Enbrel. Enbrel in a biologic medicine that is taken by injection once a...
All about a teenager whose life has turned into a bad episode of House.