Two blog post in one week, what is this craziness? I thought since my joints are why I started this blog I should give an update. It's funny how this past month I have been sicker than I have ever been. I even spent a week in the hospital and added the possibility of a new diagnosis. I can not tell you the last time I ran but I am pretty sure it was the week I got home from school, like two months ago. I had actually been running about tree times a week for a while (thats something I certainly never thought I would say). Between not getting even half my caloric needs and increasing dizzy spells I am pretty sure running and any form of cardio would only lead to me fainting. I am getting side track but I will circle back around I promise! So where I last left off I believe was off Sulfasalazine to see if that would help my stomach, but it didn't. I was off is for about a month. Shortly after starting it again my joints flared (including my neck to add in a new one). I called ...
All about a teenager whose life has turned into a bad episode of House.