A couple weeks ago I was hospitalized for a port infection and there went another week of class, to make a grand total of three full weeks of classes missed this semester not including the here and there appointments absences. As I was meeting with a professor this week they mentioned what an inspiration I am to them and all my classmates. First off that always makes me feel super awkward, how do you reply to such a statement? However that's not even the reason I hate that word so much. I hate the word inspiration because of how people use it. If someone does something extraordinary for example raises millions of dollars for a charity or starts their own charity that IS inspirational. When the work inspirational is used to describe someone who goes about their life despite crummy circumstances that is not using the word properly. When people use it to describe me it makes me feel like they find my life depressing, like the fact I even bother to get out of bed ...
All about a teenager whose life has turned into a bad episode of House.