Dear Illnesses, Enthesitis- You are my oldest constant companion. For years no doctor could find you and yet I was well aware of your presence. At age 10 you started to attack me, stripping me of my active lifestyle. For all you took away from me you have given me just as much if not more. You taught me how to fight and that doctors do not always know best. You taught me perseverance from a young age. Without you I do not think I would be able to handle my other health issues. Thank you for preparing me for the world. I wish you waited a little longer to show up but I am glad you came. Uveitis- You took me by surprise, possibly the only condition to accomplish that. I will never forget the day you were found in my left eye. I was scared and not sure what lied ahead. I still have a fear of eye drops and all things near my eye thanks to you. You taught me sometimes I have to do things I hate but thats just the way it is. AMPS/RSD- You were the first to affect my nervous system, for...
All about a teenager whose life has turned into a bad episode of House.