Two weeks ago I started to go to the bathroom like 5 times a day, all the food I was eating was going right through me. The whole things was unpleasant to say the least. I was constantly battling dehydration, and barely winning. With Gatorade on my side I survived (on a side note as a child I was only allowed Gatorade when I was sick, so I associate it with stomach bugs). By the end of the week I was a bit concerned and after some telephone tag with my GI's nurse I had an appointment first thing Monday morning. Gatorade and I have a love/hate relationship. At my doctors appointment we decided to run a bunch of test. So far only my blood test came back but so far so good. Celiac panel was clean, no signs of ingesting gluten. No indication of Crohn's (which was the worse case scenario). My white blood cells and platelet counts were both low, so the guess at this point is I have an infection and it trigger my regular symptoms to flare. On Monday my GI also advised me to cu...
All about a teenager whose life has turned into a bad episode of House.